Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Transformation: Mind and Body

For the past month I have been going through a transformation of sorts, a real mind body transformation and I am loving the results!  I feel that you can't transform your body unless you're willing to transform your way of thinking!  If you stop growing, you stop living!  I am constantly looking for ways to grow and improve, some growing challenges are more welcomed than others, haha, but nonetheless they always make me become a better person whether I see it at the time or not!
This last month I decided to take on a yoga challenge from yoga_girl on instagram!  I had NO idea the journey it would take me on, just by having a focus everyday!  Focusing on improving my own life and others is just what I needed to get out of my selfish slump of everyday monotony!  Don't get me wrong, I am totally a busy mom, a trainer, a gym goer, and church goer!  All the things in my life come to a sum total of business!  But is the business making a me better?  Yes, in a sense....  but having that focus of one thing everyday, a mantra,made a difference in taking me to the next level of new growth!  I LOVED it!  It made me raw and open, and happy!
    Another thing I have been trying to focus more on is my relationship with God, connecting with Him or whoever your Deity might be, has helped me to connect with others in my own life! I have a strong core belief in God,connecting with Him everyday helps me have a positive way to start my day, by beginning it with thanks!  Being thankful comes full circle in your life.  I start my day with prayer and hopefully a little scripture to learn and grow and then I am open to Large amounts of awesomeness for the day!:)  Lets not forget meditation, loving my 22 day challenge I have been on, meditating everyday!  And Hey even yoga helps me connect with myself and becoming a more spiritual person!
     Lets not even begin to assume I am without trial!  I am an open book so most people that know me know the trials I've had this past year!  It's been crazy!  One thing after another... and I was in a slump...  I so needed this month to help me step up to the challenge of making me grow instead of shrinking in my trials!:).  I felt completely broken and humble. It all culminated to my sister and I running away to a town 2 hours away to go listen to a Buddhist monk from India speak to us!  I am so open to truth, and when I hear it I KNOW it, I guess its a gift I have been blessed with!  But when I listened to the wisdom of Nithya Shanti, it was like peace to my soul!  When I was going to listen to him I felt like I was literally about to have a break down and every word he spoke was like raindrops to my beaten down soul.  It was beautiful!  The main thing I learned from him was to live with happiness from the inside out, rather than from the outside in!  In other words nothing that happens on the outside is your source of happiness and peace!  NO matter what happens in your life good or bad is what defines you!  If you can decide to be happy just because you are a happy person by your own merits, and not by the things that happen to you...  when you learn this, then you finally can TRULY be happy!  I LOVED it and it totally jived with me!
    All of this along with good work outs and AMAZING yoga sessions!  Especially kicking up my running to new levels has been amazing in my growth to becoming a better person!  If you stop growing your dying right?  Stay Alive, BE HAPPY from the inside, connect with God (or whatever your higher power is), exercise your body and mind, eat well and just BE......  Growing is a process!  Don't stop!  Be better!  I share this because I want everyone to be happy and whole!  Now on to my new challenge of eating more clean....  Love your body, love yourself and treat it well!  Mind and body and soul.....  keep challenging all of the above and BE HAPPY!!!!!